
The Steel Supply Company Chapter 4 – Customer Satisfaction

Sep 14, 2020 | Steel

An integral part of our quality system, and a requirement of our ISO 9001-2008 certification, calls for formal surveys to determine the levels of satisfaction we are offering you. The areas we survey include services, staff, products, etc. A heavy duty survey is performed at least each 18 months and is outsourced to our quality consultants.

Your answers are very helpful. We use this information to let all of our people know your opinions on all areas of our business. Sales uses this to determine call frequencies, inside sales representatives look at the information to make sure you’re not waiting too long and that you’re receiving all the information you need. Purchasing uses the survey data to adjust inventory levels so we always have material available. Quality records any compliments or complaints you express. Senior management reviews all the data especially how you benchmark us against others. All of this information is then reviewed during our Quality and Business planning session and we establish goals to allow us to service you better.

While all this is well and good, sometimes a visit or phone call is even better. Our goal is to offer you the best products and the highest level of service. The more we understand the process you use, and the more we can show you our processes, the better we are to eliminate bottle-necks which ultimately remove costs.

Your opinions matter! We welcome your feedback and ask you to let your field representative or any of our management team know your thoughts – even in periods when a formal survey is not being used. Your confidence and continuing patronage is deeply appreciated. Keep in touch.